Friday, May 19, 2017

Goldfish Gallery

Help us build it so we can post it here! 

 Coming soon!

Let’s put our creative minds together to celebrate our shared experience reading The Fourteenth Goldfish!

Here’s the idea:  We’ll all contribute to one big shared slideshow (kind of like the 2016 Gallery slideshow on our website).  

A Google Slide deck will be shared with anyone in Simcoe County who would like to contribute (using this link: Goldfish Gallery )

We know you are all very busy so this could take a long time or a short time.  You decide!
It could involve your whole class, small groups or a few individual students.  

Go ahead and jump in!  Claim a slide and share a reflection on the read aloud….

  • What was a ‘big idea’ that made an impression on you?
  • Share an ‘ah-ha’ moment that you had.
  • What was your favourite part of the story?
  • Tell about some new learning you experienced.


You decide how to express your ideas creatively.  It could be a digital image, a photo of some artwork, or share your ideas in words.  Feel free to add some work that your students have already done to respond to the book.

If you're joining us from outside of the Simcoe County District School Board, that's awesome! We'd LOVE to have you contribute as well. Contact us to request permission to access the slides.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Exploring the Book Title

Hello to all SCDSB readers,

We are Year 3/4 students from Joondalup Primary School in Joondalup, Western Australia. We have been reading the Fourteenth Goldfish. Our teacher Ms. Lau is on a teaching exchange. This means a teacher from JPS is now teaching in Simcoe County and Ms. Lau teaches here.

We started the book the same time as you but our school calendar is different so we are still reading the book in class. Our school year begins in February and we have four 10 week terms then 2 weeks holidays at the end of each term. We have summer holidays at Christmas time. We just started term 2.

Our timezone and weather is also opposite from you. We are 12 hours ahead of you and right now it's autumn and soon to be winter in July, but we don't get any snow here just lot of rain.

While reading the book, we wondered why is it called the Fourteenth Goldfish? So Ms. Lau gave us time to rename the book and make a new book cover.

Here are some of our book titles:
- My Grampa is a Teenager
- The Crazy World
- 14 Dead Goldfish
- I Will Live Forever
- Teenage Grampa
- The Science of Jelly Fish
- Jellyfish Magic
- Youth Experiment

What do you think the book should be called?

We can't wait to read the ending, Ms. Lau says that it should explain the title a bit more.

From Year 3/4 class at JPS

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Growth Mindset Quotes

Melanee Vandermolen Weening shared the following post on the Simcoe County Read Aloud Facebook page- 
In my class we have been making lots of connections between growth mindset thinking, and the way a scientist must think, and have been busy looking up quotes by famous scientists like Marie Curie, Einstein, Salk, and many more. We have liked this site:

Discover Marie Curie famous and rare quotes. Share Marie Curie quotations about science, perseverance and self confidence. "Nothing in life is to be feared,…

There are so many inspiring and motivating growth mindset quotes. 
One of my favourite quotes is:
"I haven't FAILED. I've just found 10.000 ways that WON'T WORK!" 
~Thomas Edison
What is your favourite quote?

Who's the Boss?

Our class has been fascinated by the idea that Melissa (Ellie’s mom) has changed roles in her relationship with her father in this story. In the past, Melvin was the boss of her and now that he changed into a teenager, he needs her to act as his boss.  It reminds some of us of the movie, “The Boss Baby” because he looks younger but acts older, which can be really annoying.

Melvin still speaks to Melissa as though she is his daughter and he should have control over her, but he looks so much younger that Melissa feels like she should be in charge of him. They often don’t get along because they can’t agree on their roles. For example, when Melvin decided to build a lab in the garage for his “work”, Melissa made him clean it up so she could park her car, which Melvin thought was unfair. Often Melvin disobeys Melissa and speaks rudely in public, which frustrates Melissa because it looks like she is not in control of her “nephew.” He also hates that Melissa won’t let him drive her car because he no longer looks like his driver’s license picture and appears to be too young. Because of his new-found youth, Melvin and Melissa have even more issues than the average teenager and parent do since Melvin is used to being able to do all the things a grown-up can do.

How do you think Melvin and Melissa will solve their problems?
How do you think you would handle being in this situation?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

End of Chapter 20 by Mr. Urquhart, Mrs. Rankka, and Mrs. Cathcartś classes

We just met on a Google Hangout from our two schools. We just read about the Halloweén dance and were thinking what we would have worn to the Halloweén dance if we were Ellie or Raj.  Ellie could have been a witch because a witch is kind of like a mad scientist and makes weird potions. Raj could have been Darth Vader because heś really into dark stuff.
We were also thinking about how Ellie felt like a jellyfish because she was just floating along with no control over her direction. Some of us were thinking about how it feels to be just floating around in a pool. Sometimes in a crowd, we just follow the crowd. Sometimes we literally follow the crowd and get lost or separated from our friends and family.  Sometimes we follow a crowd and then we regret it. Some of us have followed a crowd who were mean to others but we were able to make a choice to leave the group. A jellyfish would just get carried along. If you were the jellyfish that was getting carried along, what would you do in that situation?

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Eternal Youth by Mrs. Cathcart's Grade 4 class

We have been reading The Fourteenth Goldfish, and wondering about the idea of not growing old. We are debating whether living forever would be a good or a bad thing. Some of us think that it's not a good thing to live forever because eventually there will be too many people on earth and we will run out of resources to sustain the population. For example, we would not have enough water or room to grow our food.  Also, some people might not recognize you if you were young again.

Some of us think it would be good to live forever because you would never die and nobody would be sad because someone they cared about passed away. Also, when you are old you use your ability to do many things. Melvin even said it became harder to go to the washroom. Also, some older people get dementia and are unable to think clearly and sometimes wander off. That is why Ellie was so worried when she lost Melvin at school. If people lived forever they would have more time to find things like a cure for cancer. If a really smart scientist died it would take others time to catch up and begin where he or she left off. What is your opinion  on the idea of "eternal youth"?

We are blogging about the Fourtheenth Goldfish at Grade 4 Happenings

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Our Favourite Part

Ms Fountain's class at Fred C. Cook Public School did an exciting activity recently!  They had read up to Chapter 12 and students got to pick their favourite part of the story so far and illustrate it. 

Here's one example by Gaby:

My picture is when Ellie and Ellie's grandfather make Ellie's garage into a Science lab and when Ellie holds her grandfather's book and when Ellie's mom's car drives into the garage but she can't park because there's boxes.

Thanks, Ms Fountain's Class!

What has been your favourite part of the story so far?