Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Eternal Youth by Mrs. Cathcart's Grade 4 class

We have been reading The Fourteenth Goldfish, and wondering about the idea of not growing old. We are debating whether living forever would be a good or a bad thing. Some of us think that it's not a good thing to live forever because eventually there will be too many people on earth and we will run out of resources to sustain the population. For example, we would not have enough water or room to grow our food.  Also, some people might not recognize you if you were young again.

Some of us think it would be good to live forever because you would never die and nobody would be sad because someone they cared about passed away. Also, when you are old you use your ability to do many things. Melvin even said it became harder to go to the washroom. Also, some older people get dementia and are unable to think clearly and sometimes wander off. That is why Ellie was so worried when she lost Melvin at school. If people lived forever they would have more time to find things like a cure for cancer. If a really smart scientist died it would take others time to catch up and begin where he or she left off. What is your opinion  on the idea of "eternal youth"?

We are blogging about the Fourtheenth Goldfish at Grade 4 Happenings


  1. Ben adds, "Now that we have computers and ways of storing and passing on information, it isn't as important for scientists to keep living forever."

    Daniel noticed that some Ancient Civilizations had toilets and plumbing, so if people never died, this invention would not have needed to be reinvented many times.

    If people never died, there would probably be fewer languages and fewer countries because everyone would remember them and they wouldn't die out. ~ Sarah and Anna

    If people couldn't die, none of the wars would have ended. ~ Avery

    Nena thinks that if people didn't die, we may not have as many new inventions because they wouldn't see a need to fix problems.

    Mason believes that if people lived forever, they would have to face too much change in their lives.

    New learning wouldn't happen as often if people lived forever. ~ Addi

    Our whole class believes that even though the "fountain of youth" sounds like a good idea at first, it wouldn't be a good thing to live forever.

  2. There are more consequences than benefits to eternal youth. If every one is young forever and more and more people are coming in to the world then they will need more homes. Eventually it will be roads, buildings and homes. Then there will be no more animals. If you make your self young under the age of 16 then you will lose your license, and you could lose your job. the city would need to make high schools, elementary schools and more colleges.
    Ashlynn, Gr 5

  3. Hello Mrs. Cathcart's Class!
    I was so excited to see that you wrote some blog posts here on the Fourteenth Goldfish Book Blog! Thanks!
    I'm not interested in the idea of eternal youth. Sometimes I catch myself wishing I was younger but most of the time I just enjoy every stage of my life and all the stages of my sons' lives as I watch them grow older. I believe that we should accept life the way it is and live every moment to the fullest!
    Hope you enjoy the rest of the book.
    Mrs. Swift


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